Purpose of School Community Councils
School Community Councils are forums for exchanging ideas about how to improve student achievement among the school’s stakeholders: principals, teachers, school staff, parents, students, and community members.
School Community Councils are a major part of the overall leadership structure at each school. They are a group of people who are elected by their peers to advise the principal on specific matters that affect student achievement and school improvement. Their primary role is to participate in the process that ensures that the needs of all students are specifically addressed in the overall education plan for the school. The Academic and Financial Plan is a document that highlights the goals for the school, the programs, and the available resources to reach these goals.
School Community Councils are forums for open discussion and problem-solving related to student achievement. Recent research suggests that when done well, this process contributes to improved school culture and a strong professional community of educators. In addition, effective decision making supports improved classroom practice and student learning. These results indicate that democratic structures like School Community Councils are integral to school and student success.
To find out more about School Community Councils, please visit the DOE website:
Kalakaua Middle School's School Community Minutes for SY 2011-2012