Policy # 1110-12
Internet access supports the efforts of the Department of Education (Department). Generally, Internet access for students enhances educational and research activities, provides a conduit for the transmission and sharing of information, provides access to appropriate national and international resources, and assists in developing the literacy skills necessary in a technology-rich society. In the schools, priority for Internet access shall be given to student and classroom teachers for educational use.
To ensure students in the Department use technology appropriately and ethically, the Department shall provide training to students regarding inappropriate or questionable uses, or both, of Internet materials and equipment. Any student conduct found to be in violation of this policy, shall be addressed through Title 8, Chapter 19, Hawaii Administrative Rules, Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews and Arrests, and Restitution for Vandalism and Negligence.
The Superintendent of Education is instructed to develop regulations, guidelines, or both to implement this policy.
In compliance with the Department of Education's STUDENT INTERNET USE POLICY, this is an excerpt from Kalakaua Middle School's AUP Policy:
The Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) provides internet services for K-12 students and educators to access vast amounts of information through school computers and networked resources. School network access is available to students for school work (as required by their teachers) and not for personal use. School network access is also provided free of charge.
In order to provide your child with the best learning opportunities, please complete and return this form if you agree to allow your child access to school network and HIDOE internet services, according to the terms in the policy. Signing “NO” will exclude your child from certain classroom activities and/or assignments but still allows computer-based assessment and testing.
You can access the entire policy and consent form through the link below.